



Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

  • The Effects of Severity of Oligozoospermia on Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
    Cycle Outcome
  • 56:1–5, 2010
  • Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine
  • Hiromi Hashimoto1,2 Tomomoto Ishikawa3 Sakae Goto1  Shoji Kokeguchi1 

    Masato Fujisawa2 Masahide Shiotani1

    1 Hanabusa Women’s Clinic

    2 Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan

    3 Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, School of Biomedical Sciences, Monash

    University, Clayton, Australia

The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between the
severity of oligozoospermia and the development of embryos and clinical
outcome in patients undergoing ICSI. A total of 908 intracytoplasmic sperm
injection cycles involving women of r37 years of age were included in this
study. The patients were divided into four treatment groups according to the
results of an analysis of their husbands’ semen: (A) mild oligozoospermia that
ranged from 10×106/ml to <20×106/ml (n. 283), (B) mild to severe
oligozoospermia that ranged from 5×106/ml to <10×106/ml (n. 192), (C)
severe oligospermia that ranged from 1×106/ml to <5×106/ml (n. 259),
and (D) very severe oligozoospermia that ranged from 0 to <1×106/ml
(n. 174).Two pronuclei (PN) oocytes at MII were injected and the development
of high quality embryos on day 2, as well blastocyst formation rate on
day 5, the implantation rate, clinical pregnancies, and fetal loss, were
examined. A lower percentage of two pronuclei (2PN) oocytes in the very
severe oligozoospermia group was observed, however, there was no difference
in clinical outcome when the oligozoospermic patients were divided by
sperm concentration. In addition, no significant difference was detected in
zygote production or clinical outcome between spermatozoa with a motility
of <40% and spermatozoa with a motility of ≧40%. The results of this study
emphasize the importance of selecting good quality sperm for oocyte
injection, especially in cases involving very severe oligozoospermia.

KEYWORDS ICSI, semen analysis, sperm motility
